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Solution brief frontcover

Making networks quantum-safe

The race is on with several of the world’s biggest companies making major strides in the development of quantum computers. Many industry experts think we can expect to witness the advent of quantum supremacy in the next decade. This presents a real threat to established methods of securing communication networks. Experts estimate that quantum compute power will be able to break today’s algorithms, rendering existing cryptography insecure, communication networks exposed and our most sensitive data vulnerable to cybercriminals.

There are however protective measures which can be applied to networks today to secure them against quantum computer attacks. Post quantum cryptography (PQC) upgrades the algorithms that quantum computers need to decipher, utilising mathematical challenges that even the mightiest quantum compute powers would struggle against. The McEilece cryptosystem, for example, has been shown to be quantum safe. Alternatively, quantum key distribution (QKD) can harness quantum physics to protect the integrity of key creation and key exchange – turning the power of quantum computers into a form of network defense.

Read more about how our ADVA security team has spent the past seven years developing quantum safe solutions that leverage both PQC and QKD. Our FSP 3000 ConnectGuard™ encryption technology has been proven with both methods in live networks and offers quantum-safe security ready for commercial implementation. Our solutions provide quantum-resistant AESGCM-256 encryption ready to protect data in real time and with lowest latency. Find out how our customers can take simple steps to post-quantum security today.