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Application brochures

Fiber assurance solutions application brochure cover

Fiber Assurance Solutions

Fiber has become the dominant medium, not only for connecting core sites but also for access to enterprises public buildings and cell sites. The communication and data services transported over those fiber networks are crucial for our working environments and daily lives. Network unavailability caused by damaged fiber can create major problems and even threaten the operation of critical infrastructures.

Rapid action to limit or prevent lost services is indispensable. With fiber assurance, field forces can instantly isolate faults and distinguish between issues caused by active devices and those caused by passive cables. False alarms and unnecessary truck rolls are prevented while repair times are significantly reduced.  Proactive, in-service fiber link monitoring is the key to higher service availability and reduced costs.

Introducing our ALM advanced link monitoring solution, the smallest and most cost-efficient fiber assurance product on the market. Its core purpose is to proactively monitor fiber plants and help operators resolve any issues before they impact services. This unique service-agnostic plug-and-play device provides total visibility of critical fiber infrastructure with minimal and simple additions to the existing network. Find out more.